中国建筑学会理事长修龙与匈牙利建筑学会理事长András Krizsán于2017年5月在北京签署合作协议
Article I.: The two sides will push for continuous development of the friendly relations under the principle of mutual respect. The Architectural
Society of China and the Association of Hungarian Architects have agreed to strengthen exchange and cooperation in the fields of artistic
scientific research, and artistic creation.
1., The two sides encourage artists of both academies to organize creative exhibitions, concerts and conferences in all art categories.
2., The two sides will provide convenience and create necessary conditions for the above
Mentioned cooperation projects.
Article II.: The two sides will implement specific issues like cooperation content, time, venue and funds through negotiation in each case.
Article Ill.: The Agreement shall take into effect from the day of signature by representatives
of both sides. It shall be valid for three years. If the Agreement is to be amended, repealed or renewed, it shall be implemented after consensus
is reached through friendly consultation between the two sides.
Article IV: The Agreement is made in three languages of Chinese, Hungarian and English, with equal validity and effect.