中国建筑学会秘书长周畅与美国建筑学会理事长Elizabeth Chu Richter于2015年5月签署合作协议
The principles of professionalism are as follows:
Expertise: Architects possess a systematic body of knowledge, skills, and theory developed through education, graduate and post-graduate
training, and experience. The process of architectural education, training, and examination is structured to assure the public that when an
architect is engaged to perform professional services, that architect has met acceptable standards enabling proper performance of those
services. Furthermore, members of most professional societies of architects and indeed, the UIA, are charged to maintain and advance their
knowledge of the art and science of architecture, to respect the body of architectural accomplishment, and to contribute to its growth.
Autonomy: Architects provide objective expert advice to the client and/or the users. Architects are charged to uphold the ideal that learned and
uncompromised professional judgment should take precedence over any other motive in the pursuit of the art and science of architecture.
Architects are also charged to embrace the spirit and letter of the laws governing their professional affairs and to thoughtfully consider the social
and environmental impact of their professional activities.
Commitment: Architects bring a high level of selfless dedication to the work done on behalf of their clients and society. Members of the profession
are charged to serve their clients in a competent and professional manner and to exercise unprejudiced and unbiased judgment on their behalf.
Accountability: Architects are aware of their responsibility for the independent and, if necessary, critical advice provided to their clients and for the
effects of their work on society and the environment. Architects undertake to perform professional services only when they, together with those
whom they may engage as consultants, are qualified by education, training, and/or experience in the specific technical areas involved.
web: www.aia.org